Halcyon Books


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Amputees & Devotees... Complete 1989 book plus updates.
For updated 2010 Kindle version go to Amputees@Amazon.com.

The Contessa... A Spanish noblewoman seeks vengeance on the pirate responsible for killing her husband and maiming her. An adventure of willful courage and determination that spans the Atlantic, intrigues a king's court, and disrupts colonial settlements.
For Kindle version go to Contessa@Amazon.com.

The Man Who Killed Kennedy... The shooter from the grassy knoll proves to be a time traveler with a grudge.
For Kindle version go to Kennedy@Amazon.com.

The Luger Connection... A Luger pistol used in a postwar murder is traced to a killing on the Russian Front.
For Kindle version go to Luger@Amazon.com.

Collision... If a person's future fate is known, is it possible to avoid it?
For Kindle version go to Collision@Amazon.com.

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