Halcyon Books

Books previously carried but now out of stock (out of print). Possible ebooks at Amazon.com.

The Psychological Rehabilitation of the Amputee, Lawrence Friedmann, MD, 1978, Charles C. Thomas, (out of print)

To Walk on Two Feet, Marjorie Cook, 1978, Westminster/John Knox Press, (out of print)

Carol Johnston: The One-Armed Gymnast, Peter Donovan, 1982, Childrens Press, (out of print)

Cover illustration of book

In the Shadow of His Wings, Carol Schuller, 1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers, (out of print)

Izzy, Willy-Nilly, Cynthia Voigt, 1986, Macmillan Publishing Co., (out of print)

What God Gives When Life Takes, Becki Sanders, 1989, InterVarsity Press, (out of print)

On With My Life, Patty Trull, 1984, G.P.Putnam's Sons, (out of print)

Michelle, Carolyn E. Philips, 1986, Regal Books, (out of print)

The LEG and I, Marcia Porter, 1990, Legendary Publishing Company (out of print)

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